1. Deleting a certain .plist file

You will be shown how to find and delete a certain .plist file on your MacBook Pro. First, please take a backup of this file before you delete it. If your Mac starts to act funny after carrying out the following procedure (shouldn’t happen though), please restore that file to its original location.

Identifying your Mac’s model

    Click on Apple Icon in Menu Bar
    Click on About this Mac
    Click on “More info”
    Click on Hardware (found on the left side)
    Write down the displayed Model Identifier e.g. MacBookPro x.x

Finding and deleting the problematic .plist filehttps://www.indeed.fr/voir-emploi?jk=30cfe11b278f64fe&from=rje&rgtk=1bk9d9fip15b0c6n

    Open Finder
    Select Macintosh HD (The one with OS X installed on it)
    Select System -> Library -> Extensions
    Find and Locate a text file called “IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext”
    Right click on the file and select “Show Package Contents”
    Click Contents -> Resources -> Plugins
    Right click on ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.kext
    Right click on it and Show Package Contents
    Click Contents -> Resources
    Find the .plist file that you identified earlier (e.g. MacBook pro x.x)
    Delete the file
    Restart your Mac
    Hopefully, this would have fixed your Mac running slow on battery problem!

Erratum :

Si vous ne pouvez pas supprimer le fichier, c'est que la protection SIP est activée. Pour la désactiver, rebooter en mode Rescue (cmd-R), puis avec l'utilitaire shell, exécutez la commande :

csrutil disable ; reboot

Le mac rebootera, vous n'aurez plus qu'a reprendre la suppression du plist, et un dernier reboot du mac pour revenir à des performances optimales.